Bibliographic Reference Works
CN1.A6 RR4Cla | L'Année épigraphique |
Z7016.A1A6 |
L'Année philologique (APh) |
L'Année philologique: Home | L'Année philologique on the Internet |
CC27.D482 |
Archäologische Bibliographie (electronic DYABOLA) |
PA34.F5P86 | (Poschl et al.) Bibliographie zur antiken Bildersprache |
Z6203.P201 |
(Boyce) Literature of Medieval History |
PA1003.B9 |
Byzantinische Zeitschrift (Building Use Only) |
Z6207.C65H340 1986 |
(Halton, O'Leary) Classical Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography |
Database of Classical Bibliography (DCB); | L'Année philologique on the Internet |
PA99.W44 2003 | (Wellington) Dictionary of Bibliographic Abbreviations Found in the Scholarship of Classical Studies and Related Disciplines |
Z7016.E57 | (Engelmann) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum (1700-1878) |
DE2.I6 | Fasti Archaeologici |
PA74.P72 |
Fifty Years (& Twelve) of Classical Scholarship |
Z6203.I6 |
International Medieval Bibliography Online |
Z7016.L25 | (Lambrino) Bibliographie de l'antiquité classique (1896-1914) |
Z7016.A1L94 | Lustrum: Internat. Forschungsber. aus dem Bereich des klass. Altertums |
Z7016.M35 |
(Marouzeau) Dix années de bibliographie classique (1914-1924) |
Z6203.P871 |
(Potthast) Bibliotheca Historiae Medii Aevi |
Z5937.R42 |
Répertoire d'art et d'archéologie (1910-1989). Continued in Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) on Eureka |
Z6203.R41 |
Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi . . . |
Z7021.B470 |
(Berkowitz) Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Canon of Greek Authors |
TOCS-IN | TOCS-IN: Contents of Selected Classics Journals |