Check books out at the Circulation Desk in the Information Commons using your Hunter ID.
OneSearch lets you search in one place:
Use OneSearch if you:
However, if you:
Login to OneSearch (using your library barcode) :
access more tools to help shape your searches;
access the MyAccount function to renew books, track holds, etc.
Hunter students may visit and use any CUNY library.
CLICS is the intra-library loan system for the entire CUNY library system.
Interlibrary Loan is a national consortium of libraries that share resources. If none of the CUNY libraries own an article or book you need, request it through ILL:
Please see a Reference Librarian if you find a library item which is not available in the CUNY system or through a public library but is available at another academic library ( Columbia, NYU, etc).
In many cases, we can provide you with a Metro Referral Card which will grant you access to the library in order to use the specific item for one day.
Eligible MaRLI users are granted access to and borrowing privledges at the New York University, Columbia University and NYPL Research Libraries.
CUNY graduate students may apply for MaRLI privledges through the New York Public Library.