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General guide for all Psychology classes; geared towards students in Psych 250


Trying searching a couple different keywords and choose SUBJECTS from the drop down menu. If this is too specific (if you get too few results), just leave the drop down menu alone to its default.

The search below shows that there are 76 peer-reviewed articles in Psych Info about squirrels AND having to do with either "foraging" or "hoarding". 

One Search

Be sure you utilize the limiters on the RIGHT SIDE of your screen to narrow (or expand) your results. 

Click the TITLE of the article in the results list to see more details, such as the SUBJECT HEADINGS associated with a particular article (or book):

See the right hand column for articles similar to the one you are viewing. This helps from having to begin the search again from scratch:

Web of Science

In the Advanced Search feature, limit your results to just the following two sub-databases: 

Sort your results by TIMES CITED to see the most impactful (and sometimes controversial) articles: 

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) is great for topic overviews - think of its as the "academic Wikipedia". It's also a great place to locate concise definitions, authored by vetted scholars and authors.

  • Start with the term foraging as a basic search
  • You can then add additional terms one by one (i.e., squirrels...psychology) in the "search within results" window to the right
  • Try narrowing it down by TOPIC OVERVIEW by Document Type
  • You can further narrow by suggested Subjects.
  • Below we have five topic overviews having to do with squirrels, foraging, and psychology. The second option appears to be the best choice of the five to further investigate.