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Health and Informatics Resources

This guide provides resources to Hunter College students, faculty members, visiting scholars, and others conducting research about various topics including health, biology, computer science, chemistry, and geography.


Always start your research from the library homepage. It's tempting to Google the name of the database you want to use, but if you don't start at the library homepage, you won't have Hunter access and may instead be asked to pay for things that should be free.

You can begin by typing your search into OneSearch or by clicking on the Databases tab:

databases tab

The databases are automatically sorted by title, but you can also select subject to see only the Biology databases or type if you need a particular type of resource (e.g., data, e-books, etc.).

databases by subjectdatabase by type

Once you have selected a database, off-campus users will need to log in using their NetID and password:

off campus login If you don't know your NetID, you can find it HERE.

Your Hunter NetID and Password

Learn your Hunter NetID and password and don't forget them! Although if you do you can always go here to look it up. Your NetID and password will allow you access to our WiFi,  databases, and other electronic resources from anywhere you have an internet connection. That includes your home, the nearest Starbucks, the airport...