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Evidence-based Practice Guide

This links to another Silberman Evidence-based Practice Guide, organized by:

  • Clinical Agency Practice
  • Community Organization
  • Community-based Participatory Research

The majority of these resources are different from the resources linked below.

Evidence Based Practice- Mostly Open Access Resources

Campbell Collaboration Campbell Systematic Reviews is the peer-reviewed online monograph series of systematic reviews prepared under the editorial control of the Campbell Collaboration. Campbell systematic reviews follow structured guidelines and standards for summarizing the international research evidence on the effects of interventions in crime and justice, education, international development, and social welfare.Campbell Systematic Reviews is published bimonthly.

Information for Practice  - See the meta-analysis and systematic reviews section. Or try the Advanced Search  and use the checkbox for meta-analysis and systematic reviews.  Information for Practice indexes content from other sources and includes full text when available from other open access sources.  The goals of the Information for Practice site are:

  • identify and deliver a selection of the highest quality available in each category
  • regularly deliver an interesting mix of new information
  • create a more global sense of the profession for users from all locales
  • serve as an introductory socialization force for students
Cochrane Library Online provides access to evidence-based resources related to healthcare. Titles in this collection include: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; Cochrane Methodology Register; Health Technology Assessment Database; and NHS Economic Evaluation Database. Unlike most resources on this page, Cochrane is not available freely after graduation, although it is available if you visit a subscribing Library.


National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NIH National Information System on Health Services Research & Healthcare Technology (NICHSR)

Social Work Policy Institute Evidence Based Practice This Web resource was partially funded by a contract to IASWR from NIMH. It seeks to promote the integration of evidence-based mental health treatments into social work education and research. The Evidence-Based Practice Resources section provides tools that can be used to identify EBPs, online resources that can inform the EBP process and a list of publications for further information.

Social Programs That Work

Evidence based Practice and Policy Online Resource Training Center EBPP Online Center’s broad goal is to promote evidence based practice and policy in social work. The EBPP Online Center provides training materials, publications, and other resources to aid practitioners from a variety of helping professions in the process of formulating sound professional judgments that necessarily precede, shape, and direct thoughtfully selected assessments and interventions. 

Coalition for Evidence Based Policy
"The Coalition is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, whose mission is to increase government effectiveness through the use of rigorous evidence about “what works.” Since 2001, our work with Congressional and Executive Branch officials has helped advance important evidence-based reforms, described below." "The Coalition advocates many types of research to identify the most promising social interventions. However, a central theme of our advocacy, consistent with the recommendation of a recent National Academy of Sciences report, is that evidence of effectiveness generally cannot be considered definitive without ultimate confirmation in well-conducted randomized controlled trials."


Subject Specific EBP resources

Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment (ACLSA)

Blueprints (University of Colorado)

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare  "The primary task of the CEBC is to inform the child welfare community about the research evidence for programs being used or marketed in California.* The CEBC also lists programs that may be less well-known in California, but were recommended by the Topic Expert for that Topic Area."

Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness The Department of Health and Human Services launched Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) to conduct a thorough and transparent review of the home visiting research literature and provide an assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for home visiting programs models that target families with pregnant women and children from birth to age 5.  HomVEE provides review results for all of the home visiting program models included in this review. Each program model report provides a brief model description, a summary of the review of studies, evidence of model effectiveness, and a summary of findings by outcome domain. The reports also provide more details on the studies reviewed, specific outcomes, review procedures, and the quality of the studies reviewed.

Institute of Education Sciences (IES) What Works Clearinghouse

SAMSHA's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) for mental health and addictions. "NREPP is a searchable online registry of more than 300 interventions supporting mental health promotion, substance abuse prevention, and mental health and substance abuse treatment. We connect members of the public to intervention developers so they can learn how to implement these approaches in their communities. NREPP is not an exhaustive list of interventions, and inclusion in the registry does not constitute an endorsement."

Self-Sufficiency Research Clearinghouse

Minnesota Center for Social Work Research The School's Minnesota Center for Social Work Research brings together these many efforts by individual faculty and students as well as our School’s research and training centers.  Within MCSWR, evidence based resources were found on:

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW's) subject summaries were developed by affiliated faculty within the School of Social Work. Child welfare-relevant evaluation findings, which include current policies and practices affecting Title IV-E eligible families and children, are incorporated into these supplemental training materials.

Each Subject Summary contains features such as discussion questions, selected references, additional resources, suggested guest speakers and a PowerPoint presentation.


U.S. Dept. of Education: Doing What Works - Research Based Practice Interventions