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HONS 3011V-01: CUNY, Slavery, and Justice: Properties of Knowledge

This is a guide on archival research for Prof. Janet Neary's fall 2022 course.

Digitized Material from the HC Archives

Hunter College Archives on Flickr

includes digitized photos, yearbooks and other Hunter publications from the Archives

Hunter College Yearbooks by Year on Flickr

Scans of group photos and other images from historic yearbooks (note that pages of individual student photos are not available digitally)

Normal College & Hunter College Commencement addresses

Normal College & Hunter College Commencement programs

Highlights from the Hunter College Archives

This site is browsable but not keyword searchable. To search digitized material from Hunter's Archives, you can use a targeted Google search (see below).

Targeted searching with Google

You can use Google's search engine to search through the Hunter College website and digitized archival material.

To search material on Hunter College webpages only, try searching with your keywords plus the following phrase

Or, to search material on Hunter College Library webpages only (including the Archives), try searching your keywords plus the following phrase

For example, here is a sample search for

        "African-American women"

on Hunter's library site. This search led me to an article about African-American women students at Hunter from a 1995 publication of the Hunter College Archives.