Synthesis projects that explore topics outside of the Health Sciences will require you to search outside of the resources listed above. The resources you select are determined by the subject area. Below are some common non-Health Sciences databases for Systematic or Scoping Review searching.
The databases you'll search when conducting an evidence synthesis project are determined by the subject/topic that your project will focus on. For example, if you are conducting a Systematic Review on nutritional interventions in the school setting, you'll want to search databases that include Nutrition and Food Science publications, as well as Education databases, such as ERIC.
As Systematic Review/Evidence Synthesis methodology began in the Medical and Health Sciences fields, most organizations that create guidelines are focused in that area, and therefore recommend searching Health Sciences databases. The following list identifies databases available through Hunter College Libraries that organizations, such as the Cochrane Collaboration, recommend searching for Systematic Reviews in the Health Sciences.
For help identifying subject-specific databases to search for your evidence synthesis project, consult the Libraries' Databases by Subject list, contact the appropriate subject-specialist librarian, or complete the One-on-One Consultation Request form to meet with a librarian.