Courses that may be taken to support this specialization (pending availability):
SSW 702.14 Social Policy: Mental Health Systems
SSW 702.14 Social Policy: Substance AbuseSocial Policy: Homelessness
Social Policy: Criminal Justice
SSW 715 Seminar in Psychodynamics
SSW 724 Brief Therapies or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Family Therapy
Advanced Clinical Practice with Children
Advanced Practice with Survivors of Trauma
SSW 770 Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
SSW 797.73 Field of Practice Platform Course
SSW791.57 SW with Victims of Violence
SSW 791.58 Human Sexuality
SSW791.93 Community Mental Health
SSW794.00 SW Practice: Family Treatment
SSW 796.58 Psychosocial Approaches in the Treatment of Chronic Mental Illness
SSW 796.60 Clinical Issues in Social Work Practice with the Aged
SSW 796.62 Social Work Practice with People with AIDS and Chronic Illness
SSW 797.01 Clinical Social Work Practice in Health Settings
Social Work in the Criminal Justice System
Core Concept Child Trauma
Trauma and Resilience
Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents
SW Practice w/Immigrants and Refugees
SW Practice in School Settings
Social Work with Veterans and Military Service Members
Spirituality & Healing
Evidence-Based Practices in the Criminal Justice System