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ENGL 120: Expository Writing

Guide for all 120 sections

ENGL 120 Textbooks on Reserve at Cooperman Library

When a book is "on reserve" at the library that means it can be used within the library only for 2 hours at a time. You can ask for reserve books by title at the Circulation/Reserves Desk near the 3rd-floor exit of Cooperman Library in the East Building.

The materials listed below are on reserve for ENGL 120 classes. Different sections of the course use different materials, so check your syllabus to see what's required in your section.

Older editions of They Say / I Say and The Little Seagull Handbook are available at Hunter and other CUNY libraries to check out and take home. 

Finding Textbooks in the Library

There are two ways to check whether a textbook is available at the library:

Method #1

Search the Reserves site. From the library homepage, click on Reserves then "Find reserve items." Search for your course by course number or instructor name, or enter the course information or a book title in the search bar.

Method #2

Search for your textbook in OneSearch using the "Books" tab on the library homepage. You may need to use the advanced search function to help you find a specific edition.

If you find the book you're looking for, check the location. Books labeled "Reserve" can be requested at the Circulation/Reserves Desk and used within the library for 2 hours at a time.

Books labeled "Stacks" are on the shelf in the library. You will need the book's call number to locate it within the library.

Use the chart on the floor plans page to identify which floor your book is on, based on the first letter of the call number. After locating the book on the shelf, you can check it out at the 3rd-floor Circulation/Reserves Desk with your OneCard.

Ordering Books from other CUNY Libraries

If you need a book but there is no copy currently available at Hunter, you can request a copy from another CUNY library by signing in with your CUNY Login and placing a request "From any CUNY library." The copy will be delivered to Hunter for you in 3-7 days. You will get an email when the book is available for pick-up at the 3rd floor Circulation/Reserves Desk