Ashmolean - Eastern Art Online
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Maya cities
North American Indian
C.Szwedzicki: The North American Indian Works
For help with sizing images appropriately for your PowerPoint presentations, check out this short YouTube tutorial video produced by the Visual Resources Center in the School of Architecture at the University to Texas-Austin.
National Museum of African Art
Ross Archive of African Images
Ashmolean - Eastern Art Online
International Dunhuang Project
Library of Congress - Asian Reading Room
Seattle Art Museum - Chinese Painting & Calligraphy
Woodblock prints of Ando Hiroshige
United States of America
Digital Public Library of America
Museum of the City of New York
New York City Municipal Archives
New York City Public Art Map and Guide
New York Heritage Digital Collections
Street View, Then & Now: New York City's Fifth Avenue
Space exploration
Ancient world cultures
Chartres: Cathedral of Notre Dame
International Center of Medieval Art
Medieval England and France, 700-1200
Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts - National Library of the Netherlands
Medieval Stained Glass Archive
Romanesque Art and Architecture
Renaissance Art, Northern and Southern
Baroque Art
Nineteenth-century Art
Honoré Daumier Digitized Lithographs
Twentieth-century Art and beyond
Book Art, Typography, Calligraphy
Graffiti & Street Art
Rhizome ArtBase / Digital art
Built Environment
Flickr: Contemporary Architecture
World Panoramic Photography - 360 Cities
Cartography (Maps)
American Memory: Map Collections
New York Public Library: Map Division
Decorative Arts & Material Culture
University of Wisconsin Digital Collections
Fiber Art
Fiber Art International Artist Files
Illuminated Manuscripts
Bibliothèque nationale de France
British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts
France & England: medieval manuscripts
National Library of the Netherlands
Polonsky Foundation Digitization Project
Historic Photos (Library of Congress)
LIFE photo archive & Life Photo Collection
University of Arizona - Center for Creative Photography
Japanese Woodblock Print Search
New York City Art in the Parks
Time-based media