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Political Science

This is a guide to resources in Political Science

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To Find Articles:

  1. From any database use FIND IT to determine the availability of the journal article you are looking for, or, if you are not already within a database, search the Journal Title List or CUNY+ to determine whether Hunter College owns the journal title, volume, and issue you need.
  2. If a journal is available at Hunter College, do not request article via Interlibrary loan
  3. If a journal is unavailable at Hunter College, request article via Interlibrary loan
  4. If a Hunter College journal is missing, request it via ILL with note.
  5. Articles and book chapters are delivered in PDF format.
  6. Include the ISSN number for fastest ILL delivery.


This is a list of the most popular databases for political science topics. If there is anything missing from this list, please leave a comment below.