Sage Journals Online - Full text of the Sage journals covering business, humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine.
Academic Search Complete - The most multi-disciplinary and general full-text periodicals database. Contains the full text of approx. 3,500 journals, with indexing going back to the mid 1970's on some titles. Updated daily.
SocINDEX with Full-Text - Comprehensive sociological research database. Indexes, abstracts and some full text of journal articles, books and conference papers, 1895 - present.
America: History & Life - Indexes and abstracts to journal articles, books and dissertations on the history of the United States and Canada. The citations are from 1964 to present, and the database is updated monthly.
MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO) - Index to literary criticism and linguistic research in journals, books and dissertations worldwide from 1963 to present.
Social Sciences Full Text - Journal articles covering applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences; full text from 1994 forward; indexing with abstracts from 1984 forward.
Humanities Source - Resource to worldwide content on all aspects of the humanities in more than 1,450 full-text journals back to 1907.
JSTOR - Full text of scholarly journals and books in arts and science, business and economics, language and literature, humanities and social sciences. Current journals are not entered into the database for two to five years.
Ethnic Newswatch - Full-text of American newspapers and magazines from the ethnic, minority and Native press.
ProQuest Newspapers - Current and Historical - Current: Alt-PressWatch, Ethnic NewsWatch, Gender Watch, National Newspaper Core.
Proquest Historical Newspapers: Chicago Tribune, LA Times, NY Amsterdam News, NY Times, Washington Post.
New York Times, Historical - The historical New York Times from Proquest has digitally reproduced every page from every issue of The New York Times from 1851 to 2001. The full text of the paper is completely searchable due to underlying ASCII text. The results include all graphics and links to continuations on other pages.
Artstor - Composed of over 2.5 million images, Artstor provides faculty and students with a comprehensive image resource in a wide array of subjects with the breadth and depth to add context and examine influences beyond the confines of your discipline.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications - Indexes government documents printed by the US Government Printing Office since July 1976; documents include Congressional committee hearings, congressional debates and records, judiciary material, documents issued by departments such as Defense, State, Labor, and the Office of the President. Also includes links to Federal agency online resources.