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Latin American History

This guide was created primarily for the assignments made for Professor Mary Roldan's courses at Hunter.

Data Sets, & Public Opinion Polls

Latin American Data Bank at Roper - locates, acquires, processes and archives public opinion surveys conducted by the survey research community in Latin America, including universities, institutes, individual scholars, private polling and public opinion research firms. To date, the LAD collection holds nearly twelve hundred studies from 16 countries, with the largest contributions coming from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.

Latinobarometro (Public Opinion Surveys): Latinobarometro is an annual public opinion survey conducted since 1995 by Latinobarometro Corporation, a non-profit NGO based in Santiago, Chile. Each survey consists of approximately 19,000 interviews and represents over 400 million inhabitants and, since 2004, covers all 18 Latin American countries. Many questions are standardized and therefore facilitate time-series analysis. Standardized measures include: attitudes toward democracy, civic culture, economic issues, gender issues, the environment, inequality, social capital, and trade policy. Results of the surveys are of interest to social and political actors, international organizations, governments and the media.

IPUMS International (Integrated Public Use Microdata Samples) -  The world's largest archive of publicly available census samples. The data are coded and documented consistently across countries and over time to facilitate comparative research. IPUMS-International makes these data available to qualified researchers free of charge through a web dissemination system.  Includes most Latin American countries with some data as recent as 2007.


  • Offstats - Official Statistics on the Web  provides access to free statistics from official sources on the web through links that are arranged by country, region or subject.
  • International Organizations & Statistics List arranged by subject. From UC Berkeley.
  • CEPALStat (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean/Comisión Económica Para América Latina y el Caribe). Statistical information section includes latest editions of publications such as Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean, Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, and Social Panorama of Latin America, among others
  • The Oxford Latin American Economic History Database (OxLAD) contains statistical series for a wide range of economic and social indicators covering 1900 to 2000 that would be of interest to economic and social historians.
  • National Government Statistical Web Sites (Archive It/Indiana University) an archive of the web sites of statistical agencies of a number of  countries  containing data, reports, statistical yearbooks, press releases, methodological guides.  Includes the larger Latin American countries.