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A "How-To" Guide for preventing Zoombombing in remote learning classrooms.

CUNY Zoom Security Protocol

CUNY Zoom Security Protocol

Zoom's widespread adoption by academic institutions in response to the recent transition to remote learning has raised numerous concerns over the platform's privacy and security. To address these concerns, CUNY has issued a Zoom Security Protocol which includes a list of required and recommended security measures for all CUNY faculty hosting virtual classroom sessions through Zoom. Alternative options, including Blackboard Collaborate, Webex, and Microsoft Teams, are available to all Hunter Faculty.

CUNY's required and recommended Zoom Security Measures are as follows:

Download the CUNY Zoom Security Protocol here:

Basic Prevention

No Social Media

Never post a meeting link on social media or other public facing platform. Instead, email meeting details directly to participants or post them on Blackboard.


If you are determined to use a Personal Meeting Room (PMI), set a password and use a waiting room

Personal Meeting Rooms are great for starting instant meetings or for communicating with students in a meeting space reserved just for you. However, Zoom links can escape into the digital wilds, even if you do not share them on social media. This means that anyone on the web could potentially drop in on your Personal Meeting Room. To avoid disruption from unwanted visitors, set a password and use a waiting room just as you would for any other Zoom meeting.