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SPED 730: Education of Students Who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

This course guide supports SPED 730 for Fall 2023

Citation Styles and Formatting

Guide to Citation Styles - Which citation style should you use for which discipline? What are the requirements of each style? Start here for a guide to selecting the right style and using the proper format.

Database Citation Resources

Most databases offer the option to generate a citation based on the selected resource. This is often a helpful starting point, but not always entirely accurate. Be sure to check the database-generated citations before using them in your bibliography.

In an EBSCO database (like SocINDEX), the citation option will look like the image below. Click "Cite" to bring up the menu of citation formats shown.

citation tool - ebsco

In a ProQuest database (like ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection), the citation option will look like the image below. Click "Cite" to bring up the menu of citation formats shown.

citation tools - proquest