Most databases allow you to limit your search results to "Full Text," meaning results that will be in the database. If you choose not to do this, you will still be able to get to your non-full text results, but there may be an extra step or two.
Limiting to full text will provide results like this:
Otherwise, you may see the "Find it @ CUNY" button next to some of your results. Click this button to explore your options for retrieving this resource.
Clicking the Find it @ CUNY button will lead to a page like this:
If there is a full text link available, click it and you should be all set. If not, you can still retrieve your article via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
You can access Interlibrary Loan (ILL) HERE or via the library website:
You will need to know your NetID to access ILL, and the first time you log in, you will need to create an account:
Once your account is set up, you can submit a request:
To request an article, select "New Request: Article" and fill in the required information:
You will then receive an email with a PDF of the article in about 1-5 days.
This is a fantastic service for ELECTRONIC ARTICLES (and print books) that CUNY does not subscribe to. Get in the habit of using this -- it's easy! Everything is free -- (this is especially helpful when you hit a brick wall in your search and it looks like you have to pay for an article: you don't! Just use ILL!). You can also use ILL for full print books, chapters, and some AV materials.