Math & Statistics Databases (full text)
- arXiv: Math - Open-access archive for 1,717,226 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): Math - Open access full text journal articles on a variety of topics, including mathematics and statistics.
- Euclid Prime - Digital content of small, scholarly journals in mathematics and statistics.
- JSTOR: Mathematics and JSTOR: Statistics - Full text of scholarly journals and books in arts and science, business and economics, language and literature, humanities and social sciences. Current journals are not entered into the database for two to five years.
- MathSciNet - The American Mathematical Society’s online database which provides indexing to the world’s mathematical literature with abstracts from 1940 to present; updated daily.
- SIAM - Full text access to the accelerated electronic version of the SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) titles that we have access to.
- Science Direct: Mathematics - Full text access to the long list of Elsevier Science and Academic Ideal journals available through the CUNY consortium.
- Science in Context (Gale): Mathematics - Integrates authoritative scientific reference content with headlines and videos to demonstrate how science relates to the real world. Includes images, experiments and videos.
- SpringerLink: Mathematics and SpringerLink: Statistics - Full text of the Springer journals available through the CUNY consortium, and Hunter's collection of Springer ebooks. Green icon next to title indicates that we have access to a book or journal.
- Wiley: Mathematics and Wiley: Statistics - Full text of the Wiley journals to which we subscribe through Wiley Online Library.
General Databases (that include Math & Statistics content)
- Academic Search Complete - The most multi-disciplinary and general full-text periodicals database. Contains the full text of approximately 3,500 journals, with indexing going back to the mid 1970's on some titles. Updated daily.
- AccessScience - McGraw-Hill’s online resource covering all scientific disciplines. It includes the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, plus biographies, definitions, images and videos.
- Applied Science & Technology Source - Full-text resource for coverage of the research and development of the applied sciences and computing disciplines with coverage back to 1913.
- General Science Full Text - Science articles for students and the general public; full text from 1994 forward; indexing with abstracts from 1984 forward.
- Google Scholar - Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations.
Math & Statistics/General Databases (abstracts/citations only)
- Inspec Archive 1898-1968 - Archive of index to papers in math, physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computing and control engineering.
- Science Citation Index (WoS) - Multidisciplinary index to research journals in the sciences, including medicine, engineering, mathematics and statistics and behavioral sciences. 1900 to present.