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Health: Library Resources

This guide supports the curriculum for the field of practice specialization of Health at The Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College

Print Books

Fulltext Electronic Books

Selected Research Articles

Andrews, C., Darnell, J., McBride, T., & Gehlert, S. (2013). Social Work and Implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Health & Social Work, 38(2), 67-71.

Bachman, S. (2017). Social Work and Public Health: Charting the Course for Innovation. American Journal of Public Health, 107(S3), S220.

Campbell, H., & Rasmussen, B. (2012). Riding Third: Social Work in Ambulance Work. Health & Social Work, 37(2), 90-97.

Coquillette, M., Cox, J., Cheek, E., & Webster, S. (2015). Social Work Services Utilization by Children with Medical Complexity. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 19(12), 2707-2713.

Hopp, F., Camp, J., & Perry, T. (2015). Addressing Heart Failure Challenges through Illness-Informed Social Work. Health & Social Work, 40(3), 201-208.

Kintzle, S., & Bride, B. (2010). Intervention following a sudden death: The social work-medical examiner model. Health & Social Work, 35(3), 221-224.

Liechty, J. (2011). Health literacy: Critical opportunities for social work leadership in health care and research. Health & Social Work, 36(2), 99-107.

National Library of Medicine. (2016). Social Work in a Medical Clinic: The Nature and Course of Referrals to the Social Worker. American Journal of Public Health, 106(2), 232-234.

Rodriguez-Alcalá, M., Qin, H., & Jeanetta, S. (2019). The Role of Acculturation and Social Capital in Access to Health Care: A Meta-study on Hispanics in the US. Journal of Community Health, 44(6), 1224-1252.

Sky Smith, J. (2016). Catching a Speeding Train: Social Work’s Disconnect with a Medical Revolution. Social Work, 61(2), 186-187.

Thorpe, Christine W. (2014). Analyzing Health Education Training of Human Services Students. New York City College of Technology, Publications and Research.

Print Reference