Library devoted to the Puerto Rican Diaspora. You can use the library catalog to search for material at Centro.
M-F 10am-5pm
Siberman School of Social Work
2180 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10035
1st Floor Room 120
You can search through thousands of electronic books starting here, on our eresources page.
You will need primary sources for your paper. Primary sources are original documents related to the event or topic. Examples:
To search for primary sources in the library catalog:
Example: diaries, speeches, interviews, maps AND latino AND music
The Catalog is a database of the materials (books, e-books, DVDs, journal titles, etc.) that are held at each library in the CUNY system.
If you need a book that Hunter does not own, search the catalog for other CUNY schools that may have the title you need.
You can borrow books from other CUNY schools through CLICS: CUNY Libraries InterCampus Service. Books at Centro are listed in the library catalog.
Newspapers are an excellent primary source. You can find first hand accounts of events that took place in the past.