Business Insights Global (Gale) - Find detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO) - Full text of over 2800 scholarly journals in business, economics, accounting and management. Includes company profiles; updated daily. To search for industry, use North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS). Information about NAICS can be found on the website for the United States Census Bureau.
Gartner (Through CUNY Portal) Access to Gartner resources on technological advances, best practices and standards in Information Technology. *Once you are signed in, scroll down to select Gartner.
Lexis / Nexis Academic - Select the Get Company Info tab for information on over 80 million companies. This source also offers full text of newspapers and other news sources; legal information including U.S. Code, state laws and reviews; business news; medical abstracts, biographical information and country and state profiles.
Statista - Data driven industry reports, dossiers and forecasts, including digital markets.
Statistical Insight - ProQuest’s version of the digitized federal collection of data on social and economic conditions in the U.S.
First Round - Online publication for entrepreneurs
NYC Data (Weissman Center for International Business at Baruch College) - Provides data on businesses in New York City, along with other statistics.
NYPL Science and Business Library (SIBL) - Business resources, workshops, business librarian assistance.
SEC EDGAR Filings - SEC filings on public companies operations and financial information.