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English 341 -- Rhetorical Principles of Expository Writing

Professor Leigh Jones

Finding Articles

For a comprehensive list of databases at Hunter College, go the Hunter College Libraries' Home Page, link to Databases/Articles. Hunter College students, faculty and staff have remote access to all databases by using Hunter e-mail ids and passwords.

  • Academic Search Complete
    Huge multi-disciplinary database with articles from magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals. This is a great database to start your research.
  • Academic One File 
    Find magazine, newspaper, and journal artlcles, as well cable news transcripts and other sources. Includes full-text from the New York Times. New database, good complement to other sources, such as Academic Search Complete.
  • CQ Electronic Library  CQ Researcher has reports on various topics in the news and before Congress. This is a good place to find background information. Also, it's helpful for finding paper topics.
  • Lexis Nexis Use this database to search for newspaper articles from an international selection of news sources.
  • ProQuest Congressional Part of Lexis Nexis good for researching Congressional hearings and court cases
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context 
      Covers controversial contemporary issues, with articles from a variety of sources and perspectives. With pros and cons arguments clearly displayed.
  • The New York Times A national "newspaper of record" with local, national and global coverage of news, with many Pulitzer Prize winning reporters, it also can be used as a multimedia source of interviews, primary sources, historical documents, treaties collected under broad topics.
  • Alt-Press Watch This database provides full-text articles for over 210 publications of the alternative and independent presses, from 1970 to current.

Internet Searching

Google Scholar searches can provide quick results in all disciplines. The academic databases recommended on this page, however, continue to provide more powerful and sophisticated search engines and the bibliographic data specific to literary and language studies. NB: A direct link to Google Scholar is provided below. However, if you access Google Scholar by way of the Hunter College Libraries Homepage, you will link to any full text articles to which Hunter College subscribes. You will find Google Scholar on the Libraries' Databases list.

Google Scholar