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World Theatre III

Resources for research on 19th-21st Century Theatre, including tips and tricks to make things easier for you.

Reading Citations

Citations are composed of the same basic elements

  • Author (Last Name, First Name)
  • Title of the work
  • Publication information (eg. place, publisher, year, volume, issue, page numbers)
  • Medium (print, web)

Basic book citation in MLA:

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.


Trelles, Miguel, and Hunter College Art Gallery. Aesthetic Accomplishments, Political Commitments: The Hunter College Collection of Puerto Rican Prints. New York: The Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery at Hunter College, 2007. Print.

Basic journal article citation in MLA:

Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume.Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication.


Asghar, Amanda. "Reciprocal Peer Coaching and its use as a Formative Assessment Strategy for First-Year Students." Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 35.4 (2010): 403-17. Print.



Learning how to read and write citations is essential for good research. Below is a tutorial on the MLA style, created here at Hunter College. Additionally, there are links to some other online style resources.

You should also be aware that Hunter College has a Reading and Writing Center to help students with writing styles and citations. Their website is linked below. You can stop by during their tutoring hours and meet with an RWC tutor, one-on-one.