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Nursing PhD Student Resource Guide

Library homepage

It's best to bookmark the library home page  on your own computer or device. 

From here you navigate One Search, link to the list of databases, configure your NetID and password, utilize Hunter's link to Google Scholar, and find Research Guides. 


Activating Your Library Card

Your Hunter College ID Card is Your OneCard

The first thing you should do is stop by the Circulation Desk in any of our Libraries to activate your card and your account.

Your Hunter Student ID Card/OneCard is your all-access pass to library resources including borrowing books, checking out laptop computers, printing, photocopying and more. It can also be used for a lot of campus-wide resources, so hang on to it and bring it with you everywhere!

You can also find your Library Barcode on the back of your ID. When asked for a Library Barcode and password, enter the number in both the Barcode and Password fields. Your Barcode is your Password unless you change it.