1. ERIC (EBSCO): The leading database for peer reviewed education literature. Can be searched in combination with other Education Source and Psycinfo from the Choose Databases link at the top of the search screen.
Other relevant databases:
2. EBSCO, All Databases (EBSCO): Combines ERIC with other relevant databases, like Education Source and Psycinfo
3. Google Scholar: Recommend for the following: To find articles that have cited a given article or book; to find articles related to a given article or book; to find the text of articles. To get access to all of the full text of articles that Hunter owns from off campus you have to go into Google Scholar from http://library.hunter.cuny.edu.
4. Onesearch: The default search box from the library homepage. Well stocked with peer reviewed material in education. Unfortunately there is no way to limit to articles on recommended practice.
5. Psycinfo: Comprehensive database for psychology; includes some linguistics and educational psychology
Off campus access to these and other databases: You can get the list of Hunter databases from http://library.hunter.cuny.edu. Click on the Databases tab. To get into a database from off campus simply click on the name of the database. You’ll then be prompted for your NetID. For more information about your Net ID see Hunter email https://netid.hunter.cuny.edu/login?next=/